More than 500 violations discovered during ‘Operation Airbrake’ rest area blitz in Arizona

The Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS) released the results of a recent commercial vehicle brake inspection effort that took place at interstate rest areas.

The two-day “Operation Airbrake” safety detail took place in northern Arizona on August 27 — 28, 2024.

Inspectors targeted commercial vehicles at rest areas along I-17 in Munds Park and McGuireville, and on I-40 in Parks, looking for “missing, damaged or defective parts,” with special emphasis on brake pads and linings.

During the 48 hour operation, 178 inspections were conducted, and inspectors uncovered 521 driver/vehicle examination report violations.

Additionally, 45 vehicles and 16 drivers were placed out of service, and one carrier received an out-of-service violation.

The Operation Airbrake safety detail was conducted as part of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s annual Brake Safety Week inspection effort.


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