-1.1 C
New York

Speed limit up to 80 MPH along 59 mile stretch of H.E. Bailey Turnpike — and truckers aren’t happy about it


This week, a higher speed limit went into effect on a portion of the H.E. Bailey Turnpike in Oklahoma.

According to the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA), new speed limit signage was installed on Thursday, April 18, along the I-44/H.E. Bailey Turnpike between Chickasha and Lawton in Comanche, Caddo and Grady counties.

The new signage increases the speed limit to 80 m.p.h. for a 59 mile stretch along the urnpike.

The section of the I-44/H.E. Bailey between Newcastle and Chickasha was signed for 80 mph in summer 2020, according to OTA.

The speed limit on I-44/H.E. Bailey between Lawton and the Texas state line will remain at 75 m.p.h.

While many motorists expressed approval of the increased speed limit, the trucking community was less enthusiastic because of the possible danger presented by the speed differential. See what they said below.

  • “Some semis are still governed at 55 and 60.. lol my semi is governed at 68.”
  • “Real smart idea. With all the big truck traffic, and cars going that speed and faster should make for some good wrecks.”
  • “*cries in governed*”
  • “Mega carriers better step it up cause now everyone will be at risk.”
  • “mega carrier be like 55 lol”

This Week in Trucking
