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New York

Trucker tried to “do the right thing” by smuggling in Mexican family


A truck driver says that he was just trying to “do the right thing” by attempting to smuggle a Mexican family across the border earlier this month. 

The incident happened on August 15th at about 6:15 p.m. at the Interstate 35 checkpoint in Texas. 

According to Laredo Morning Times, truck driver Ryan Christopher Pervine initially stopped a few meters past the booth at the border and acted confused that he was supposed to stop and speak with an agent at the border. Pervine then told agents he was alone in the truck and agreed to further inspection. 

The secondary inspection revealed several people hiding under the bed in the sleeper berth and in the side compartment of the cab. Agents apprehended five migrants from inside the truck 

Pervine later told agents that he was approached by a person in Mexico who asked that he transport his family to San Antonio. Pervine said he agreed because he wanted to help the family. 

“Pervine stated that he was trying to do the right thing. Pervine stated that he allowed people into his tractor,” states the affidavit. “When asked what kind of people he allowed into his tractor, Pervine exercised his right to an attorney. All questions ceased.”

This Week in Trucking
