Electric vehicles to pay their fair share for road maintenance under new bill

Lawmakers have reintroduced a bill that would ensure that electric vehicles (EV) aren’t treated to a free ride on America’s roadways.

On February 12, Senator Deb Fischer and Representative Dusty Johnson reintroduced the Fair Sharing of Highways and Roads for Electric Vehicles (Fair SHARE) Act.

The bill would establish a one-time fee for light-duty electric vehicles to be paid into the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), which goes toward funding road maintenance and improvement projects.

Currently, light-duty EVs don’t pay into the HTF at all. Most of the HTF’s funding comes from federal taxes on fuel (18.3 cents per gallon for gas and 24.3 cents per gallon for diesel), with the trucking industry contributing “almost half of all revenues while representing just 4% of road users,” according to the American Trucking Associations (ATA).

Lawmakers argue that it isn’t fair that EVs don’t pay into the HTF because “the average EV is significantly heavier than its gas-powered counterpart due to the weight of large EV batteries,” causing more wear and tear to roadways.

The bill is endorsed by trucking groups including the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) and the ATA.

“America’s truckers are the backbone of our supply chain and make significant contributions to maintaining our roads and bridges by paying several taxes that support the Highway Trust Fund,” said OOIDA President Todd Spencer. “However, truckers are understandably frustrated that EVs currently pay nothing to the HTF despite having equal access to the roads and highways maintained by taxpayers. OOIDA and the 150,000 truckers we represent appreciate the leadership of Senator Fischer and Representative Johnson in ensuring fairness on America’s roadways. We understand the importance of investing in the vital infrastructure that keeps our economy moving.”

“All Americans benefit from a robust and safe transportation system.  When it comes to paying for the maintenance and expansion of our road network, no one should get a free ride,” said ATA Senior Vice President of Legislative Affairs Henry Hanscom.  “The trucking industry makes up just 4% of the vehicles on our nation’s highways, yet we pay nearly half the tab into the federal Highway Trust Fund—all while moving over 70% of the domestic freight tonnage.  Clearly trucks are doing their part to invest in the nation’s infrastructure, and it is reasonable to expect electric vehicles to do the same.  As fuel efficiency rises and adoption rates for alternative fuels accelerate, we must find long-term, sustainable, and equitable sources of revenue for the HTF.  We commend Senator Deb Fischer and Congressman Dusty Johnson for leading this effort to ensure that electric vehicles are paying their fair share.”

You can learn more about the bill here.


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