Two more months of closures for exit ramps damaged by oversize load bridge strike in December

Two exits ramps damaged by a semi truck hauling an oversize load will remain closed for at least two more months. 

The Interstate 10 overpass at Interstate 49 in Lafayette, Louisiana was damaged in early December, 2024 when it was struck by a semi truck hauling an oversize load. Now, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development says that two exit ramps in the area will stay closed for a while longer. 

According to Fox 15, repair of the overpass will take around two more months to complete, meaning that the ramps from I-49 South to I-10 East and I-10 East to I-49 North will remain closed during that time. 

Officials say that a new girder must be manufactured to replace the damaged one, which will take about a month. After that, installation of the new girder will take about another month.


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