“Condemned vegetables” spilled when rig crashes into sweeper convoy

A load of “condemned vegetables” spilled on a highway in San Antonio after a collision between a semi truck and a sweeper convoy on Tuesday. 

The accident happened on February 6th in San Antonio, Texas at around 1 a.m. on Interstate 35 near Space Center Drive. 

According to Kens5, the tractor trailer collided with a signal truck at the end of a sweeper convoy, blocking the roadway. The Texas Department of Transportation started to tow away the wrecked trailer, but it broke open, spilling some of the “condemned vegetables” that were inside. The vegetables had been condemned and quarantined by Homeland Security after it was determined they possibly contained insect larvae inside. 

Texas Parks and Wildlife, United States Department of Agriculture and U.S. Customs and Border Protection did not disclose the type of bug, what danger they posed to the environment, or where they were being taken, reported News4SanAntonio.

Multiple lanes of I-35 were shut down for around 18 hours. Two people were taken to the hospital as a result of the crash. Their conditions are not known.


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