Tenstreet Job Store

Lead Preference

Performance Marketing

  • The best blend of High-Intent and High-Volume leads
  • Spreads spend between High-Intent (Active Job Seekers) and Lower-Intent (Passive Job Seekers) lead sources
  • Ideal for medium and large recruiting teams


  • Truck drivers who are actively job searching
  • Drivers who are directly applying to your company
  • Often a higher CPL (Cost Per Lead) and are more limited in volume
  • High likelihood of making contact
  • More likely to complete an Intelliapp
  • Greater probability of making a hire
  • Ideal for small and medium recruiting teams (or specialized recruiters)

High Volume

  1. Truck drivers who are passively job searching
  2. Drivers who are applying to multiple companies or through a matched lead program
  3. Often a lower CPL (Cost Per Lead) and are more plentiful in volume
  4. Great at filling a lead funnel
  5. Ideal for medium to large recruiting departments who can handle higher call and application volumes

Additional Considerations

  • Niche Hiring Areas: It’s important to note that positions with smaller or less populous hiring areas may not have a large volume of drivers actively searching for jobs. – Consider broadening your hiring area to boost volume.

Spend Method


  • Our systems will continually optimize the performance of your campaign by detecting which jobs are performing better, and prioritizing your budget towards lower CPL (Cost Per Lead) opportunities:
    • Monitors Internal Factors (Example: Difficulty of filling the position)
    • Monitors External Factors (Example: High competition for a specific driver type)
  • Budget never stops delivering to higher CPL (Cost Per Lead) positions completely

Exact Spend

  • We will spend the exact budget allocation on each job
  • We will not move your budget to optimize for lower CPL (Cost Per Lead)