VIDEO: iPhone FaceTime Tutorial

FaceTime is a very popular app that helps truck drivers check in on their families by video-conferencing from their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

Just like most things iPhone, the app is amazingly simple to use. If you can make a phone call, you can create a video conference with FaceTime.

The only thing that you have to keep in mind is whether the person you’re calling will be using a device different from yours. So if you are using an iPhone, but your family is at home with an iPad or iPod Touch, you will have to connect to them using an email address, rather than a phone number. Nothing too difficult to get past.

The video tutorial shows us that there are other things you can do while in-call, such as switching from the facing camera to the front-side camera to show your family members where you are.

Also inside the video is a quick demo of Apple’s other free bundled texting/photo app called iMessage.

Have a look at this quick video tutorial that tells you how to get started.

Austin Evans


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