TWIC Card Program May be DOA

Is the Transportation Worker Identification Credential as strong and secure as a state driver’s license, and if not “ should the program continue?

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Transportation Committee examined TSA’s TWIC program during a joint hearing Monday.

TWIC, which has enrolled 2.1 million truck drivers, longshoreman and other port workers, is a biometric-capable identity card that can be read by remote devices to check fingerprints, residency documents and other information.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-CA, said TSA provides valuable service, but he asked, Are we getting value for our money?” He went on to say that he disagrees that this is the full potential of the program that Congress mandated.

Find out what other officials and industry leaders think at Land Line magazine.

Or have a look at the TWIC website for all the details surrounding the program.


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