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New York

8 Healthy Filling Foods


shutterstock_113023333Make the most of your mealtimes by filling up on high-fiber foods which will keep you satisfied longer. Many of these food items are inexpensive and can be incorporated into entrees and other foods – however, it’s important to remember that beans typically contain a lot of calories, so it’s important to incorporate lots of vegetables.

Fresh Fruits are high in fiber, water content, flavor, and are very low in calories. Grapes, apples, and berries are typically the most filling fruits. Keep fresh fruit on hand for a snack, and enjoy with yogurt or mixed nuts.

Prunes are filling, sweet, satisfying, and extremely high in antioxidants. They’re high in fiber, so they’ll fill you up as you snack on them throughout the day.

Oatmeal is extremely high in fiber. It’s known to keep us fuller, longer and is an excellent choice when it comes to weight management. Add in fresh fruit or nuts to add a little flare to your breakfast.

Potatoes with the skins on are an excellent source of both fiber and potassium. Enjoy as a side-dish, or topped with herbs, salsa, or lightly with cheese.

Mixed Nuts including almonds, pecans, pistachios, and seeds all contain healthy fats and have a high protein content, which helps to keep you feeling fuller, longer. Keep your snack portion sizes small, and pair with fresh or dried fruits.

Beans, Lentils & Chickpeas are nutritious, high in fiber, and extremely filling. Mix them into dishes containing other vegetables, enjoy a pita or fresh veggies with hummus (made from chickpeas).

Soups before a meal prevent you from over eating when the main course arrives (especially when you’re dining out) choose soups which are broth based as opposed to creamy alternatives. Soups are also great to make ahead during home time and thaw out later on the road!

Vegetables are very low in calories, and when eaten in place of high-calorie alternatives – can be very effective when it comes to weight loss. Additionally, they’re very high in fiber which keeps us feeling fuller, longer. Eat them in salads, dip them in hummus, or snack on them throughout the day.


Everyday Health


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