Live French air-to-air missile found in Florida is transported by flatbed semi-truck

What’s the most unique or craziest load you’ve ever hauled? This week, a live missile was found in Florida and had to be transported via flatbed to a munition storage facility on the MacDill Air Force base.

According to Military Times Magazine, last Friday, the MacDill Air Force Base located in Tampa got called out to handle a live French air-to-missile that had been found.

“A contractor at Lakeland Linder Airport had discovered a guided missile,” the MacDill Air Force Base’s Facebook post states.

Military Times reported that the missile was found when the contractor was evaluating shipments. While in the process of evaluating shipments, the contractor “discovered an object with questionable markings indicating it may be explosive.”

Air Force 1st. Lt. Brandon Hanner, a spokesman for the 6th Air Refueling Wing, told Military Times that the team went out and secured the missile. Hanner said the missile was, “live, but unarmed.”

Hanner described the live missile as “having a gun with bullet in chamber, but on safety. Someone would have to arm the missile to fire it.”

The missile was secured and moved to a munition storage facility on the MacDill Air Force base.

“Our 6th EOD team helped secure it with the help of ATF, the Lakeland Fire Department, and our 6th LRS team who provided a flatbed semi for transportation,” the MacDill Air Force Base’s Facebook post states.

You can read more about the missile here.

This weekend we received a call that a contractor at Lakeland Linder Airport had discovered a guided missile. Our 6th…

Posted by MacDill Air Force Base on Monday, August 17, 2020

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