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ATA Driver Compensation Survey Reveals Trucking Provides Competitive Pay and Benefits


According to a press release from the American Trucking Association, the median pay for truck drivers is “on par with the national median for all U.S. households, and the industry offers drivers ‘competitive’ benefits.”

“The data in our Driver Compensation Study, which covered 130 fleets and more than 130,000 drivers, shows that now more than ever, trucking is an excellent career path,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “Fleets are raising pay and offering generous benefit packages in order to attract and keep their drivers in the face of a growing driver shortage.”

The study found that the average truck driver pay ranged from $46,000 for irregular route drive van drivers, and private fleet van drivers averaged $73,000.

In addition, the study found that in seven of the nine categories, pay met or exceeded the U.S. median household average income of approximately $53,000. Furthermore, the study revealed that “While mileage-based pay was a common method, three out of four fleets used multiple methods to pay drivers including the most frequent approach, paying some drivers by the mile and some by the hour.”

The study also found that 80% of fleets offer holiday pay, and 80% of private carriers offer 401(k) retirement plans and match employee contributions.

“As the economy grows, we are seeing an ever more competitive driver market,” Costello said. “The data in this report will be critical for fleets looking to recruit and retain the best drivers.”

[gview file=”http://www.trucking.org/ATA%20Docs/News%20and%20Information/Reports%20Trends%20and%20Statistics/ATA%202014%20Driver%20Compensation%20Study%20-%201-pager.pdf”]

To order the full report, visit www.atabusinesssolutions.com or call 1-866-821-3468.

American Trucking Associations is the largest national trade association for the trucking industry. Through a federation of 50 affiliated state trucking associations and industry-related conferences and councils, ATA is the voice of the industry America depends on most to move our nation’s freight. Follow ATA on Twitter or on Facebook. Trucking Moves America Forward.


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