-4.1 C
New York

Texas Jury Sides With Trucking Company In $3.5 Million Suit


A Texas jury has awarded a “take-nothing verdict” and has sided with Dallas, Texas based carrier FFE Transportation Service Inc.  The jury rejected a $3.5 million suit against the company brought on by the City of Saint Jo.

The suit was the result of a May 4, 2010, accident between a FFE truck and a police car driven by former Saint Jo police officer Billy Reynolds.

According to News Channel 6, at the time of the accident, Reynolds was responding to a call to assist with a hit and run suspect. As he crossed an intersection, he collided with the FFE truck.  The city of Saint Jo claimed the FFE truck driver failed to yield to the emergency vehicle.

Reynolds was injured in the crash.

“This decision is important because it demonstrates that drivers of municipal emergency vehicles must use a measure of care when they’re on public roadways at all times, even when they’re responding to calls,” FFE attorney Bill Chamblee said. “Instead of settling the lawsuit, our client fought for justice, and that decision paid off big for them.”



This Week in Trucking
