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Trucking Company, Drivers Under Fire For Facebook Post ‘Threatening To Hit Protesters’


If you’re in trucking, you’ve probably seen the viral post about protesters on the highway — chances are you’ve even shared it yourself. It states, “THE AMERICAN TRUCKER will not be held hostage, threatened, robbed, or killed. We will not be a victim. We will not be this generation’s version of Reginald Denny. Every driver knows that name. Do you? We will defend ourselves everytime, up to and including, using our 80,000lb trucks and it’s 1,800 foot-pounds of torque to run you over….”

A trucking company in Arlington Heights, Illinois is under fire and even had to shut down their Facebook page for sharing the post. Some say the post “threatens violence,” and now police are investigating.

DEAR AMERICA, WE ARE SERIOUS…THE AMERICAN TRUCKER will not be held hostage, threatened, robbed, or killed. We will…

Posted by Tri-state area driver on Monday, June 1, 2020

Cat Express, a small carrier with 11 trucks, shared the viral post to their Facebook page on May 31, 2020. The post was quickly reported to authorities.

In an interview with the Patch about the Facebook post, the town’s mayor Thomas Hayes said, “These are difficult times for all. I condemn violence and criminal acts by any and all as a way of dealing with the problems and issues we are currently facing.”

Catalin Sorescu, president of CAT Express Inc., told Patch that the company just shared the post, they didn’t write it. He said that the post “is all over the internet” and the company “didn’t threaten anyone.”

Cat Express’ Facebook page has now been deleted but the viral post is still being shared.

This is not the only recent instance of Facebook posts regarding protests being used against companies and drivers.

This week, a driver contacted CDLLife. The driver said he as fired from his company for commenting on a Facebook post about protests in Philadelphia.

“Mark my words, I have a delivery tomorrow in Pittsburg in my semi truck if one of these idiots even attempt to impede me in any way will be run over and the video of the FedEx truck from Minnesota will be mild compared to what I will accomplish.”

Another reader took a screenshot of the comment and posted it to the driver’s company and the driver was fired.

In an email to CDLLife the driver said, “I wouldn’t become another Reginald Denny they terminated my contract saying that I was a risk.”

Drivers beware: what you post on social media can be used against you.


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