I-70 runaway truck ramp at Mt. Vernon reopens with improvements

The I-70 runaway truck ramp at Mt. Vernon in Colorado has opened back up after a six month project to improve the ramp for truckers.

The I-70 runaway truck ramp at mile post 257 east of Genesee, Colorado at Mount Vernon was reopened on Sunday, June 3rd by the Colorado Department of Transportation. 

According to 9 News, CDOT worked with contractors over the last six months to make visibility and structural improvements to the I-70 runaway truck ramp. Construction workers added a larger barrier between the ramp and the steep drop-off on one side, and improved the design of the ramp overall. 

While the I-70 runaway truck ramp is now open for drivers experiencing an emergency, CDOT is still working to install cameras and signage. These additions are expected to be completed in September.  

Truck drivers can stop at any of the following locations along I-70 between the Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnels and Golden to check their brakes: 


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