Dash cam captures a major merge battle involving a truck driver and a motorist who just won’t take “no” for an answer.
The dash cam video was shared on February 24, 2024, by Reddit user u/Ornery_Ads.
In the video, you can see that the dash cammer is in the right lane as signage warns that the left lane is ending for construction. The dash cammer allows one gray SUV to merge in front. A black sedan driver then pulls up in the left lane and tries to nose in ahead of the truck as the lane continues to narrow. The gray SUV driver pulls partially onto the shoulder to try to give the black sedan more room. The truck driver continues to close the distance between the nose of his truck and the gray SUV so that the sedan driver can’t squeeze in. Eventually, the left lane fully ends and the black sedan driver is forced to retreat.
See the video below.
More than 1200 Reddit users have commented on who was right and who was wrong in this scenario. Here’s what they had to say:
- “Trucker here. I know exactly how frustrating this is, but for safety’s sake, I would have just let him in.”
- “I don’t drive trucks but I’d assume a trucker may do this to avoid cars cutting them off last minute when they can’t brake like a sedan? I can only imagine how frustrating this is for you though— I can’t believe the amounts of times I see people act like they really don’t understand that trucks don’t quite work like small cars.”
- “They are both wrong. I want to say that the car is more wrong, but the truck is the professional. They should have just yielded.”
- “Why can half the world’s population not figure out how zipper merges work (which you, incidentally, are supposed to do end the line).”
- “There is a larger duty to allow vehicles to merge in a construction zone for safety of the workers. The car is more wrong but the truck especially being a professional driver should have just let them in.”