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Popular Android Games for Truckers


Truck drivers have their own idea about the best entertainment value at the end of a long day of driving. Some people like to read, some like to hit the casinos, some like to play arcade and pinball games in truck stop lounges. If you feel like just hunkering down in the cab for some quiet time, mobile phone games are a cheap and fun time waster that can keep your mind sharp. Some puzzle games have even shown to have beneficial effects on the brain and mood.

Free and Paid Apps at AmazonWhat we have here are a mix of free and paid Android games that we think truck drivers will like. As usual, we encourage you to explore online Android App marketplaces, like Amazon, iTunes, and others to find the games you like best.  You can click on the pic of the phone to go directly to the Amazon App Store (if you have an Amazon account, you can start using the Amazon Android App store immediately for free) and start searching for your favorites.

Let’s get started!


Amazon Store Angry Birds Rio
Click to Download

This one should be a no-brainer. Angry Birds Rio is the latest installment of the wildly popular puzzle strategy game that entertains people of all ages. This version has more complex levels, more birds with special destructive abilities and lots and lots of color!

Why else is it so popular? Because it’s free!


Amazon Android Game Real Steel
Click to Download

Real Steel is a High-Def robot fighting game based on the hit movie starring Hugh Jackman and a few of the baddest robots on the planet. The game retains the arena fighting style made popular in arcade games like Tekken, Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.

This one is brand new, has great graphics and physics, but make sure your Android device is compatible. This game pulls a lot of juice from your processor.

Download it now for only $.99 cents!

Pool Master Pro is one of the most popular pool table simulations out there. There’s good reason too – the controls are simple and intuitive, the ball physics are believable and there’s a lot of variety to choose from, including table type, colors, cue weight, and game type (8 and 9 ball modes).

This one is #1 because it’s easy to play, fun and free!

There’s a lot of pinball simulations out there for Android OS. Some seem to have been rushed, or just missing something. Not Pinball by Magma Mobile. They got this one right. There are three different tables to choose from, along with skill levels and speed. The tables feature good play, rather than complex bells and whistles (we’ll leave that to the real tables out there).

Get the best pinball simulator for Android OS here, and get it free!

Brazilian Beauty is a digital version of the wildly popular slot series from Bogota Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  This slot machine is connected to other slots made by Slot Machine Factory through a casino interface. From the casino floor you can browse to the other slots. Your bankroll is shared between all the machines.

Get this great slot machine sim for just $2.99 at the Android marketplace.

Amazon Android App Live Holdem Poker Pro
Click to Download

Live Holdem Poker Pro is one of the largest online social poker apps available. You can match up against people from literally anywhere in the world and win big points and prizes in the process. Live Holdem Poker Pro features  Live Chat, Fast Tables, Personal Avatars, Shootout tournament mode and much much more.

Get it here for free and start betting now.

This Week in Trucking
