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New York

Walmart Heart Drivers Brighten Students’ Day


Amanda Buchanan’s Life Skills Class got a big rig sized surprise when 4 Walmart trucks pulled into the McDowell High School parking lot in McDowell County, North Carolina.

The truckers from Walmart Heart, a program started by a Walmart trucker to help people with chronic diseases, visited students and gave them a look into the life of a trucker. They taught the students about truckers’ nicknames.

I’m Jeannie Neese and they call me So-Low, said the only female driver at the front of the room, She explained that her height, or lack thereof, was the origin of her nickname.

The drivers delivered goods donated by Walmart to the school, along with trucking t-shirts and hats, pens and a ride-along certificate. After handing out the certificates, the kids’ excitement reached a fever pitch, as the students lined up to take a ride in the rigs.

I want to ride the truck like a truck driver, said Jeremy Zimmerman while pulling on his Walmart Heart hat.

I’m blessed to be part of this program, said Ralph McGee. We don’t get paid to do this. We all volunteer our time for this.

According to the Walmart Heart site, more than 100 drivers participate in the program. If you’re interested in participating, information can be found at.



This Week in Trucking
