12.5 C
New York

How Do We Handle ‘Commercial Company?’


By: A Concerned TW

I have lived on the road for over a year now and in my time out here, we have actually had ONE, Yes ONE, woman knock on our truck door.  She knocked to see if HE wanted company, but got a small surprise when I popped out of the sleeper to answer her knock.  As soon as she saw me, she turned and started to walk the other way.  I did not have to get hot headed or scream and yell, but unfortunately at this time, I DID.  I screamed at her to get away from our truck and move on.  Did I handle this correctly??  Absolutely NOT!!    So, I started educating myself on How I should handle them and Why.  This is what I have found:

1) These women, known as “Commercial Company”, “Lot Lizards”, and just what they are “Prostittutes” may have walked around almost ALL truck stops back in the 70s to the 90s just going from truck to truck knocking on doors or windows.  These women nowadays are NOT usually running around MOST truckstops…instead they are calling the drivers on the CB or finding them online at places like Craigslist and Facebook.

2)  The women who are “performing” these activities are a LOT of times being FORCED into these activities by someone who is making money off of them.  The people who force these women into it are either feeding these women drugs or abusing them physically to MAKE them keep doing these activities.

3)  Instead of being mean and yelling for this woman to get away from my truck, I could have asked her why she is doing what she is doing and tried to HELP her find a way to get out of this life.  Some of these women will talk with you and some may curse and walk away from you, but at least you will know that you TIRED helping another.  Helping in itself is a GREAT feeling.

I have found a GREAT organization called Truckers Against Trafficking  that reminds us that these are human individuals that are someone’s daughter, sister, aunt, mother or grandmother, and they need OUR help!!

Can we help them ALL, realistically NO.  But, one at a time we can try to make it better!

This all makes me wonder why I see SO many women in so many different places even wasting their breath to discuss this issue amongst themselves as well as with new wives of truckers.  We make fun of these women, we bash these.women, and we in turn make these new wives more uneasy than they already are.  Can we change this behavior, ABSOLUTELY!   We, as Truckers Wives, need to have TRUST in our drivers and know that they aren’t keeping the company of any of these ladies.

So, let’s all educate ourselves about these women and maybe even join Truckers Against Trafficking and HELP these ladies instead of doing all we.can to put them down or bash them.


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