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Roadcheck 2014: Arizona Places 164 Drivers Out Of Service


Inspectors in Arizona, including 60 DPS officers, 11 Arizona  Department of Transportation (ADOT) officers, three Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration inspectors and three Pinal County Sheriff’s deputies and one Apache Junction police officer, got down to business during this year’s Roadcheck 2014.

CDLLife wrote about the nationwide 3-day, around- the-clock commercial vehicle investigation from June 3 – 5 in this article here.

During the course of the operation, these seventy-eight commercial motor vehicle (CMV) enforcement officers stopped an inspected 1,249 commercial vehicles in and around the Flagstaff area along Interstate 40.

Of the vehicles stopped, 164 drivers and a total of 160 vehicles were placed out of service. Many vehicles were taken off the road for equipment violations.

Officers also found a number of logbook and licensing violations, while many other drivers had well-exceeded federal standards for hours behind the wheel.

DPS provided Driver Awareness Regulation Training (DART) to 293 drivers, spoke to upwards of 400 citizens on the importance of sharing the road with CMV’s and presented the “Teens and Trucks” program to 25 students at the Coconino High School in Flagstaff.



This Week in Trucking
