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New York

Troopers Target Trucks, Make 59 Arrests


State Troopers and Motor Carrier Services enforcement officers from Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota joined efforts targeting truck drivers violating safety regulations along Interstate 90.

Officers carried out 59 arrests and 136 warnings for violations between the Wyoming an Minnesota borders, placing several commercial vehicles and drivers out of service.

The citings were a part of a larger  joint effort to increase safety on the highway during the busy summertime driving season. State Troopers and enforcement officials were on the lookout for criminal interdiction, speeding, seatbelt use and drinking and driving.

“At the beginning of the summer when people begin to travel, our joint effort with Minnesota raises public awareness for motorists’ need to make safe choices on the road,” Capt. Alan Welsh of the South Dakota Highway Patrol said.

Their efforts resulted in a total of 385 arrested, 1,004 warnings all on Thursday, June 12.

The total results of the operation are:

Totals for the operation included:
·    Speeding: 185 arrests, 466 warnings 
·    Stop sign violations: one arrest, five warnings
·    Move-over law: five arrests, 26 warnings 
·    Seatbelt violations: 46 arrests, 26 warnings 
·    Driver license, insurance or registration: 46 arrests, 122 warnings 
·    Drugs: 17 arrests 
·    Other moving violations: 17 arrests, 76 warnings 
·    Other non-moving violations: 4 arrests and 71 warnings

Source: www.kdlt.com


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