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In The Wake of Fatal Shooting, Clackamas County Puts Limits on Weighmaster Duties


In the wake of the murder of Clackamas County weighmaster Grady Waxenfelter,  47, Clackamas County Administrator Don Krupp has ordered the county’s weigh masters to stop pulling over commercial vehicles, stating that the weighmasters lack the proper training and safety standards.

The weighmasters will continue to permitting and educating carriers on vehicle safety, however, the nearly 20 enforcement stops weighmasters typically make to let drivers know they’re out of compliance will no longer be a part of their daily activity.

Nearly 5 months ago Clackamas County weighmaster Waxenfelter was shot in the head and left for dead.

Authorities say that on February 6, Waxenfelter pulled over a white pickup driven by Dirck White, 41, for not having a license plate.

White allegedly shot Waxenfelter in the head and drove over his body as he fled the scene.

After Waxenfelter’s murder, the county did an investigation into the incident and found that the current weighmaster program puts its employees at risk, “has no accountability rules and costs the county twice more than the weighmaster programs in comparable areas, because Clackamas County officers never issues tickets that could generate revenue,” Oregon Live reported.

“I take these findings very seriously and have ordered a permanent suspension of enforcement stops involving weighmaster personnel while the County reconsiders the future operational status of the program,” Krupp said in a statement.

White remains at large.   He was last spotted by federal authorities on the evening of April 5th headed westbound on Interstate 80, just was of Des Moines, Iowa.

$16,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest in the case.

White may be driving a 2004 silver four-door Mercedes Benz with Washington plates: ANB 7070.

White is a 6′ tall, 190 pound Hispanic male. He has black hair and brown eyes.

Authorities say White should be considered armed and dangerous. If you see him, call 911 immediately, and tips can be submitted to 503-723-4949.


Oregon Live

Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office


This Week in Trucking
