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Hijacked Trucker Recovering After Being Shot 7 Times While Refusing To Run Over Police


A hero trucker is home from the hospital after he was shot 7 times in his carjacked, fully-loaded logging truck while he refused to run over police patrol cars.

Domestic Dispute Leads to Carjacking a Logging Truck

The bizarre incident took place in northeast Georgia on August 25, beginning with a domestic dispute between 23-year-old Ryan Arnold and his pregnant ex-girlfriend, Haley Hill, also 23. During the argument, Arnold escaped from law enforcement that surrounded his home and forced Hill into a pickup, leading police on a high-speed chase with several shots fired.

During the chase, Arnold shot Hill and threw her out of the pickup. While many police officers stopped the pursuit to help her, Arnold abandoned his pickup and carjacked a fully loaded logging truck driven by 58-year-old Don Davis of Don Davis Trucking at a logging site in Oglethorpe County.

Truck Driver Shot Trying to Save Police

When the truck came upon a police barricade, Arnold told Davis to crash through it, but Davis fought him and refused. Davis lifted his foot off the gas pedal, but Arnold tried to mash it down with his own foot. Davis managed to wedge his foot under the gas pedal. Arnold then shot him in the leg.

After Davis was shot the truck smashed through the police barrier and was shot at by law enforcement officials. Arnold was then taken into custody and Davis was transported to the hospital.

Driver’s Bravery Saved Many Lives

Davis’s family said that he was shot 7 times in the shoulders, legs, and hand. Miraculously, he was able to leave the hospital only four days after the incident. He lost two of his fingers and may not regain use of that hand due to nerve damage. He has undergone surgery but will need more procedures.

Police say Davis’s action saved lives. They are still investigating exactly how Davis was shot.

Hill’s baby was dead when it was later delivered in the hospital. Hill was declared brain dead and kept alive by life support to keep her organs alive for donation.

Arnold faces charges of feticide, aggravated assault, and kidnapping with bodily injury. He will likely also face murder charges.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt1is13JK14″ width=”700″ height=”500″]

Online Athens
The Augusta Chronicle

This Week in Trucking
