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New York

NY Senator Asks DOT To Hurry Up On Speed Limiters


Yesterday New York Senator Charles Schumer announced his intention to fast track legislation what would require all trucks over 26,000 pounds to be equipped with speed limiting devices.

Schumer Urges DOT To Adopt Speed Limiter Legislation By End Of Year

The U.S. Department of Transportation published a proposal to require heavy trucks to be equipped with speed limiters in late August. Schumer has called upon lawmakers and transportation officials to push the legislation through as quickly as possible, noting, “For every New Yorker or commuter who’s been next to or in the cross hairs of a speeding big rig, the technology like this can’t be installed fast enough.

No Congressional vote would be required to pass the legislation. A signature from the Secretary of Transportion is the only thing needed to turn the proposal into law. Schumer has pressed the DOT to pass the proposed legislation by the end of the year. He said, “Requiring electronic speed limiters on trucks would save lives, prevent injuries, make our roadways safer by preventing high speed damages.

Schumer estimates that capping speed limits for big rigs would save 94 lives per year.

While this proposal was open to capping truck speed limits at 60, 65, and 68 m.p.h., Schumer stated that the recommends capping speeds at 65 m.p.h.

ATA Says It’s Unsafe To Cap Speed Limits For Trucks Only

The American Trucking Association responded to the speed limiter proposal, noting that they approve of limiting truck speeds, but “limiting truck speeds without addressing all traffic (other conflicting speed limits) may be problematic.” Specifically they mention Texas State Highway 130, where a truck governed at even 68 m.p.h. could create dangerous situations on a road with an 85 m.p.h. speed limit.

The Wall Street Journal
NY Post
CBS Local

This Week in Trucking
