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‘Cowboy’ deputies on horseback lasso bull charging near Florida highway


Sheriff deputies in Collier County, Florida successfully lassoed a bull that was loose near a busy highway.

Collier County Sheriffs Office Agriculture Bureau Sgt. David Estes with his horse, Sampson, and volunteer Ricky Garcia with his horse, Bullseye, were on patrol in Immokalee shortly after 5 p.m on July 30 when they received a report of a ‘loose cow.’

They responded to SR-29 near Johnson Road, a busy two-lane section of highway. It was rush hour traffic, so the danger to the motoring public was high.

Patrol deputies shut down the road while Estes and Garcia attempted to lasso the bull.

“The bull was not happy and was charging everyone,” said deputies.

The 1,200 lb bull charged several times before they were able to get a rope on him.

Sgt. Estes threw the rope around the bull’s neck as Sampson held the bull. When the bull went down on the ground, volunteer Garcia jumped off Bullseye and onto the bull to hold him down. The bull’s feet were tied together and he was safely loaded into the Sheriff’s Office stock trailer.

Image may contain: one or more people, grass, outdoor and nature

“These horses always give their all and are a vital component of the agency’s resources used to keep our community safe,” said deputies.

A post from the Collier County Sheriff’s Office shows footage of the capture.

Bull lassoed by Mounted Patrol

Here's a video of the bull we told you about last night. Deputies with our Agricultural Unit lassoed it and brought it back to its home.So cool to see our Mounted Patrol at work! As you can see, this wasn’t their first rodeo!

Posted by Collier County Sheriff's Office on Thursday, July 30, 2020

A call we responded to in Immokalee this afternoon illustrates one of the many reasons we have horses in our Agriculture…

Posted by Collier County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, July 29, 2020

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