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Trucker accused of abandoning bedridden mother to head OTR


A man has been accused of neglecting his elderly mother after officials discovered her rotting body inside of their San Antonio home over the weekend. 

The body of 74-year-old Maria Huerta was found inside of her home on the outskirts of San Antonio, Texas on September 4th. 

Police say that 50-year-old Juan Santos Huerta was being paid to act as his bedridden mother’s caretaker, but instead cashed the checks sent to him by the home health care provider company and went out to work as a trucker, leaving his mother home alone. 

Maria’s body was discovered on Saturday. She was riddled with bedsores and her body had already started to rot away by the time she was discovered. Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar says that Maria was neglected to death. 

Huerta is now facing charges including injury to the elderly with bodily injury by omission. 

“My mother passed away of being old. The Lord took her on Saturday at 10:30 if you all really want to know,” Juan Huerta said to KSAT News.


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