5.9 C
New York

13.3% of CMVs taken out of service for brake violations during CVSA Brake Safety Week


The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) released the results from Brake Safety Week 2022.

This year, Brake Safety Week took place August 21 — 27 in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

During Brake Safety Week, officers performed 38,117 inspections of commercial motor vehicles. Of those vehicles, 13.3% were place out of service for brake violations.

“That also means that nearly 87% of the commercial motor vehicles inspected throughout North America during Brake Safety Week did not have brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations,” the CVSA pointed out.

The table below breaks down the results by country.

CountryNumber of InspectionsNumber of Inspections with OOS Brake ViolationsPercentage of Vehicles OOS for Brake Violations
North America38,1175,05913.3%

The area of emphasis for Brake Safety Week 2022 was brake hose/tube chafing violations. Inspectors identified and documented a total of 6,305 brake hose/tube chafing violations.

Next year’s Brake Safety Week is scheduled for August 20 — 26, 2023. There will be an unannounced one-day brake safety enforcement initiative in 2023, which may be held at any time.

This Week in Trucking
