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Extent of trucker convoy participants unclear as media, organizers present conflicting numbers


At least two factions of the People’s Convoy set out for Washington today, but the actual number of truckers participating is yet to be seen. 

While it is known that two separate yet related convoys set out from both Adelanto, California and Scranton, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, February 23rd, there have been multiple discrepancies in media coverage regarding the actual number of truckers participating. 

According to ABC 13, Bob Bolus, organizer of the Scranton convoy, told reporters that somewhere around 20 semi trucks were ready to join the convoy. However, both Reuters and Rolling Stone reported that only one semi truck was participating out of Scranton. The Guardian also reported that the Scranton convoy “consisted of a tractor-trailer rig, a dump truck and a handful of pickup trucks.” The Scranton protest initially intended to block the DC Beltway, but even Bolus told reporters that the alleged 20 participating rigs was not enough to warrant such a protest. 

We’re not going to camp there. Let me put it that way,” Bolus said to ABC 7. “We’re not camping on the Beltway. We’re gonna have our voices heard and let them understand this is only the tip of the iceberg.”

Meanwhile, at the ‘main’ People’s Convoy out of Adelanto, Rolling Stone reported “probably a couple hundred people milling about, but maybe a dozen semis,” while Reuters reported “more than two dozen 18-wheeler trucks, along with some 50 pickups and recreational vehicles,” rolling out of Adelanto today. At the same time, the New York Times reported 40 semi trucks participating in the convoy. 

“We believe tens of thousands will join in,” said Brian Brase, head of the Adelanto convoy. “We plan to stay [in D.C.] a while and hope they don’t escalate it the way Trudeau did with his disgusting government overreach.”

According to the People’s Convoy Facebook page, the convoy out of Adelanto will be stopping at Great American Pizza and Subs at 6775 Highway 68 in Golden Valley, AZ on Wednesday evening. So far, that Facebook page shows what appears to be considerable support from citizens on the sidelines, but the numbers of trucks actually rolling is unclear. 

If you or anyone you know has first-hand information or footage of the current trucker convoys, please feel free to contact CDLLife at [email protected]


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