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New York

Man accidentally hitches 130 miles on back of tractor trailer on search for wife 


A man got a longer ride than he bargained for after hitching a ride on the back of a tractor trailer early on Monday morning. 

The incident began in Wichita, Kansas in the early morning hours of October 3rd.

According to the Guthrie News Page, 30-year-old Dustin Slocum hopped onto the back of the trailer at a shipping yard in Wichita in hopes of finding his wife, but the driver entered Interstate 35 without realizing he had an extra passenger. 

It wasn’t until the Oklahoma-Kansas state line that motorists began calling police to report the man holding onto the back of the trailer. The trucker finally came to a stop around mile marker 178 near the Cimarron River bridge after another semi truck and vehicle continuously flashed their lights, alerting him to the situation. 

After the 130 mile ride, Slocum was found hanging onto the bars at the rear of the trailer and told officers about his attempts to find his wife and that he tried to get the driver to stop but was unsuccessful. 

Slocum was taken into custody and booked into the county jail just after 4 a.m. He has since been charged with being intoxicated in public and joyriding. He pleaded not guilty to both and was granted a $2,000 bond.


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