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People’s Convoy declares victory, remaining drivers booted from Hagerstown


The People’s Convoy declared victory in an announcement made on the group’s Facebook page on Friday afternoon. 

The announcement was made on Friday, May 20th at around 2:30 p.m. as the group began to depart the Hagerstown Speedway in Maryland. 

“On May 17, 2022, after 84 continuous days and 26 states, The People’s Convoy arrived at its final destination at Hagerstown Speedway in Hagerstown, MD.  As of 2:30pm EST today May 20, 2022, The People’s Convoy declares victory and announces its conclusion of the national convoy portion of this great movement,” the post reads. 

Following the official disbanding of the convoy, 100 or so participants remained in an unofficial capacity, and that’s when fights and arguments began to break out among the now-leaderless group according to the Hagerstown Speedway General Manager. 

“”I want one convoy, one leader, one person that I have to deal with. I don’t want to deal with a dozen. I don’t have time for that.”I’m not a babysitter. I didn’t sign up for that,” Plessinger said to Herald-Mail Media.

“So when they got to acting like a bunch of kids it was time for them to go home. Just like with any unruly child, you only put up with so many temper tantrums before you say, ‘Enough. Put them in time out.’ So that’s what I did.”

The remaining participants left the speedway peacefully by 10 p.m. on Friday.

“Any convoy and protest activity from this time forward is done on an individual basis and is not representing The People’s Convoy,” the Facebook post continues. 

“Any future events will be announced on our social media platforms and our soon to be published website thepeoplesconvoy.com  The People’s Convoy will remain active and will transition its focus on attending rallies and raising awareness at the state level. We encourage everyone to participate and become actively involved in The People’s Convoy state groups while leadership transitions National from a rolling convoy and focuses on growth within the movement. We want to thank all who supported, donated and participated in The People’s Convoy.  It’s been 87 amazing days!”

“Initially they were just to be there one day, one night, and it just turned into … like when your mother-in-law comes to visit and decides to stay,” Plessinger said.


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