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More than 150,000 truckers have joined OOIDA. Why haven’t you?


Content Sponsored By Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA)

Over the past five decades, OOIDA has operated behind the scenes as a powerful advocate for the small business American truck driver. Now they’re offering you the chance to join the fight to make the trucking industry work better for the little guy (while saving some money and earning some impressive benefits to boot).

Why Join OOIDA?

Since it was founded in 1973, OOIDA has taken a stand against large carriers and clueless lawmakers to argue for common sense regulations for the trucking industry. The group has provided constant, tireless advocacy on behalf of both truck drivers and small business carriers, fighting in courtrooms and entering the nation’s highest halls of power to make sure that trucker voices are heard. Whether it’s speed limiters, lack of safe truck parking, or freight broker transparency, OOIDA is always at the forefront of the battle for better laws and regulations for truckers.

OOIDA says that more than 150,000 men and women from all over the U.S. and Canada are current members. The size of OOIDA’s membership allows the group to fight years-long battles in court and enough “weight” to move the needle with lawmakers on a local, state, and national level. More members means OOIDA has even more staying power and influence to keep up the constant battle against bad regulations and unfair legislation. Plain and simple — joining OOIDA is an easy, actionable way to affect positive change in the trucking industry.

OOIDA Offers Major Member Benefits

But there’s more to OOIDA than advocacy — members also enjoy a host of benefits that help them to truck better.

  • OOIDA keeps members educated on the issues that affect them most. One of the most powerful benefits of OOIDA membership is the group’s vigilance and skill at identifying legislative and regulatory changes that could impact the trucking industry and letting members know how they’ll be affected — and what they can do.
  • Low cost commercial truck insurance and expertise for small-business truckers. OOIDA’s policy plans are crafted with common sense to meet the needs of the little guy. OOSI agents have 370 combined years of experience, meaning that customers have access to extensive commercial vehicle insurance know-how.
  • Members have access to a range of life and health benefits. OOIDA makes sure that truckers and their families have access to affordable life and health benefits.
  • The experts at OOIDA’s Business Services can help you truck better. When you don’t know who else to turn to, OOIDA members can seek out OOIDA Business Services, which helps Owner-Operators and small business truckers with everything from legal and regulatory questions to permitting and licensing to protection from predatory lease agreements. And if members need to apply for their own authority, OOIDA’s Business Services can help.
  • Save money with discounts and rebates offered by over 90 equipment manufacturers and service providers. OOIDA has developed strong relationships with dozens of third party vendors and passes robust savings down to members on everything from Michelin tires to PrePass subscriptions.
  • OOIDA’s Truckers Advantage Fuel Card. OOIDA offers an exclusive fuel card that provides members with deep diesel fuel discounts at more than 8,000 locations across the U.S.

Here’s A Membership Deal Too Trucking Good To Pass Up

The folks at OOIDA are currently offering a deal that makes the decision to join even easier. Right now, you can enroll in two years worth of membership for only $50 — a $40 savings off of standard membership costs. The 2 years for $50 deal is valid for both new and renewing members, so whether you want to join for the first time or you are a longtime member who has let that membership lapse, you’re more than welcome to take advantage of the deal. You can click here to sign up today.

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This Week in Trucking
