Laws & Regulations
ATA and OOIDA Challenge on EOBR Ruling
Today the ATA joined the OOIDA in a legal challenge regarding the FMCSA's new ruling on voluntary EOBR devices.
South Dakota Approves Bill Boosting Trucker Rights
South Dakota placed a ban on indemnity clauses for shipping companies looking to avoid responsibility for freight loss or damage.
Transporting Nukes – Can You Spot Them?
The Cold War is over, but the high-dollar cargo is still on the road. How do you spot them?
The Pre-Trip Inspection Dec. 12 – 19
Get the latest news on issues that matter to the trucking and transportation industries. Updated all week.
The Pre-Trip Inspection Dec. 5 – 12
LaHood releases final ruling and amendments to the Federal hand-held phone ban, FMCSA issues another shut down order, HOS regulatory debate heats up and more...
The Pre-Trip Inspection Nov. 14
Wednesday, Nov. 9 marked a day that Gov. Tom Corbett chose to make the roads in his state a little safer. He signed into law Pennsylvania Senate Bill 314, which makes texting while driving...