Tag: Highways

Truck driver accused of killing officer, kidnapping woman appeared in virtual court with visible injuries and “no access to funds” for a lawyer on Wednesday afternoon.  The virtual court appearance occurred on May 15th as the truck...
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is considering an exemption request from a high school in Washington state that would lower the age requirement for obtaining a commercial learner’s permit (CLP).

Video: Solar Roadways– The Path to the Future?

A start-up company in the U.S. has developed a way to turn solar panels into roadways that can support a load of up to 80 tons, cut down on greenhouse gases and provide supplemental power. In addition, the roadway becomes an interactive driver experience. The lit panels would light the roadway, melt ice and snow and alert drivers of debris.

Surface Transportation Bill Set for House Vote

Surface Transportation Bill, just released through the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Jan. 31 is set for a House vote today. What does it mean for small carriers?

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