About DX Xpress Inc
Directo Express Group
We offer dedicated transportation services in México and United States as well as door-to-door services between both countries using our own equipment and through agreements with the main US & Canadian Carriers.
We are a young company with a team of people with more of 25 years of experience in the field of Automotive Industry and Manufacturing .
Offering transportation and logistics services with dedicated staff focusing on satisfying our customer needs.
Keep being an innovative and strong company that keeps participating in the development and consolidation of our customers focusing on improving our services using our own equipment with high technology.
We are convinced that the base of our success is based on our customers´ success.
This company directory listing has not been verified by DX Express, Inc. Information used to generate the content on this page was sourced from this page https://www.dxxpress.com/indexenglish.html on 058/03/2021.
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