About Kal Freight Inc.
As a provider of modern transportation services since 2014, KAL FREIGHT INC ( a Southern California located Asset Based Carrier with over 600 trucks and 1500 trailers) offers full range of transportation and logistics services to meet all the needs of modern business.
Being a dynamic modern transportation company with strategic corporate location based in Ontario, California and its extended distribution warehouses in Texas, Indiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Georgia, North Carolina and New Jersey, Kal Freight can quickly and efficiently move any package, pallet or truckload across United States.
Kal Freight have owned and leased thousands of sq. ft. of modern warehouse space in above mentioned states which further helps in rendering services and executing the business professionally.
This company listing has not been verified by Kal Freight Inc. The information used to generate the content on this page was sourced from the page, https://kalfreight.com/, on 07/22/2021. For questions or comments about the content listed on this page, please contact [email protected]