MN89 Inc

About MN89 Inc


Established in 2015, MN89 INC became one of Chicago’s most recognized transportation providers.

Despite all the troubles that the trucking industry has been through in the last couple of years, we have managed to develop and provide stable logistics solutions to our customers by expanding our operations and investing in technology and equipment that provide reliability and integrity

Our Mission, at MN89 INC, is to provide our customers with the absolute best service in the industry. We accomplish this goal by having a team assembled that’s dedicated to that goal daily. Our policy is to do our best, to prosper while providing excellent service to our customers, do what’s right, and treat others the way you want to be treated.

Today, we are in business with the industry’s top brokerage companies, providing the best customer service possible, available 24/7, 365 days a year, at best rates possible.

MN89 Inc

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MN89 Inc

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