About NB Trucking Inc.
Nickles Bakery is one of the oldest (est. 1909) and largest independently owned bakeries in the United States. Nickles Bakery's 3 plants have the most advanced baking technology and state-of-the-art bakery equipment.
Alfred Nickles Bakery is an equal employment opportunity employer and are dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, creed, parental status, military status, political affiliation, family medical history or genetic information.
This company directory listing has not been verified by NB Trucking Inc (Nickles Bakery)
Information used to generate the content on this page was sourced from this page http://www.nicklesbakery.com/history/
For questions or comments about the content listed on this page please contact: directory@cdllife.com