Pyro Shows, Inc

About Pyro Shows, Inc

Pyro Shows, Inc. is celebrating 50 golden years this year! Before our corporate office in Tennessee and our additional offices in Texas and Alabama, we had to start somewhere. That place in time was 1969 when Lansden Hill, Jr. began a professional fireworks service. Rave reviews of the shows would prove that he appropriately named the company Pyro Shows. With each passing year of business, Pyro Shows maintained the momentum and achieved success both nationally and internationally.

2019 is our year to celebrate the milestone of successful fireworks entertainment throughout the world for half a century (AKA “a long time”). From Stockholm, Sweden, to San Sebastian, Spain, and from Abu Dhabi in the UAE, to Taipei, Taiwan, Pyro Shows has competed in some of the most prestigious international competitions. Pyro Shows won first place in the North American Fireworks Competition in Norfolk, Virginia, and has had the honor to provide the 4th of July fireworks at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. for 13 times since 1995. That is a 50-year legacy of happiness generated by fireworks!


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La Follette, TN
Pyro Shows, Inc

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