About Super T Transport
We understand you have your choice of fleets. You won’t find a company that will work harder for your success than Super T Transport. We have a passion for trucking and a dedicated team to ensure we will be your fleet of choice. Headquartered in the “potato patch” Idaho Falls, ID we are your hometown carrier servicing the nation.

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Super T Transport Overview
Hiring Areas
Driver Types
- Company Driver
Driver Requirements
Minimum Experience
12-23 Months
CDL License
Class A
Freight Type
- Refrigerated (Reefer)
Allowable Moving Violations
Allowable Preventable Accidents
Hazmat Endorsement
Paid Orientation
Not Specified
Not Specified
Questions and Answers about Super T Transport
- General Questions
Is the company privately or publicly held?
We are privately held.
How many total employees does the company have?
How many drivers does the company currently have?
What is the company’s turnover rate?
In 2022 we had 72% turnover
How many empty trucks does the company have right now?
How many terminals does the company have and where are they?
Our terminals are located in Idaho Falls, ID and Hyrum, UT. We have drop yards in Indianapolis and Phoenix.
How long has the average driver been with the company?
2 years
What is the passenger policy?
Passengers are authorized with the purchase of Private Passenger Insurance. This is obtained through a 3rd part and will cost $185 annually.
What is the pet policy?
We allow pets with a pet deposit of $500 that can be payroll deducted. There are not breed or weight restrictions.
- Operational Questions
What kinds of freight does the company haul?
We haul refrigerated and dry freight including beverages, onions, apples, potatoes, cheese, yogurt ingredients, meat, pet food, auto parts... etc.
In what states does the company operate in the most?
What is the ratio of driver managers to drivers?
What is the ratio of load planners to trucks?
What is the average length of load?
How are the drivers’ miles calculated? (Short Miles, Practical Mileage, Household Movers Guide)
Practical Miles based on zip code to zip code. Equivalent to Google's address to address +/- 5%
What percent of your freight is Drop and Hook?
Are drivers required to physically unload freight?
How many hours are free before the driver starts receiving detention time pay?
How long do stops take to get offloaded on average?
Is the company forced dispatch?
What happens if a driver refuses to take a dispatch for a legitimate reason?
We plan on a first in first out philosophy. If a driver is unable to take a load for a legitimate reason we arrange another load for them. We are always working hard to balance the needs of our customers and our drivers. With our small fleet size it is easy for us to understand the driver's needs and keep the truck moving.
Are drivers able to stay within a certain geographical area or are they required to run wherever the company runs?
we will accommodate a driver's lane preferences as much as possible with the understanding that we need to keep the wheels turning and service our commitments to our customers.
Does your company use customer based freight or brokered freight?
We are 80% contracted freight. The other 20% is so we can be flexible with changing markets and driver needs.
What percentage of the company's freight is brokered freight?
20% is brokered freight so we can be flexible with changing markets and driver needs.
Does the trucking company have an idle policy?
Does the company use satellite communications?
Yes through Samsara
Does the company use E-logs or Paper Logs?
If the company uses e-log which system is used? People-Net, Qualcomm, etc?
- Equipment Questions
What type of trucks does the company use?
2020 or newer Freightliner Cascadias and 2022 Volvos.
What is the average age of the company’s tractors?
Less than 3 years
What is the average age of the company’s trailers?
Less than 5 years
Do the trucks come equipped with APU’s?
Do the trucks come equipped with power inverters?
Yes 2200 watts
Does the company “slip seat” drivers or assign drivers to trucks?
Driver's are assigned to their truck as long as they are maintaining a minimum productivity
If a driver takes extended home time is there a risk that their truck will be taken away and reassigned?
Extended home time less than 10 days the driver will remain assigned. If the period cannot be determined we will discuss that with the driver on a case by case basis.
Are drivers able to take the tractor home with them on home time?
Equipment is inspected and maintained at a terminal while the driver is at home if they live within 100 miles of a terminal.
Do drivers need to be prepared to have a place to keep the trailer on home time?
If a driver lives more than 100 miles from a terminal or drop yard they will need to arrange for safe and secure parking for the tractor and trailer. Parking is reimbursed in CA,OR, & WA.
Do the trucks come equipped with refrigerators?
Yes! And they are larger than the standard refrigerator. They will even hold a gallon of milk and have great freezer space.
Do the trucks have single bunks or double bunks?
Double bunks
- New Hire Orientation Questions
How long is the company’s orientation process?
Orientation and safety training is completed online. This can be accomplished over 6 hours at the driver's discretion.
Are new hires paid anything for orientation?
Does the company pay for all travel arrangements?
We will arrange for all travel arrangements except for meals.
What method of travel does the company use? (Flight, Bus, Rental Car)
We evaluate the best travel based on cost and convenience.
Does the driver get their own hotel room or are drivers required to room with another driver?
Single driver to room.
After orientation is finished how long will it take for the driver to get dispatched home to pick up his/her gear?
Typically we arrange the first dispatch to route through the driver's house to pick up their gear if they are unable to bring it to onboard at a terminal.
Are pets and passengers allowed to attend orientation with the driver?
No. Can be managed on a case by case basis.
Does the company have enough trucks for all of the drivers it hires at orientation or will the driver need to travel to another facility or terminal to recover a truck after orientation is finished?
You will onboard to a truck at the terminal where you are brought in to road test and meet the team.
- Compensation & Pay Questions
How does the company pay?
We pay a cent per mile which includes .10 paid as per diem. Everything turned in by Monday night by 23:59 pays the following Monday via direct deposit.
Based on my level of experience – how much is the company willing to pay me?
We are competitive in driver pay based on experience AND safety.
What is the max rate of pay for your drivers?
Our CPM is not capped a driver with at least 10 years experience AND impeccable safety can expect to start at .62-.65 CPM.
How does the company handle raises?
Performance evaluations are give annually and typically include a CPM increase.
What type of benefits does the company offer? (Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, etc.)
Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, 401K, Paid Time Off, Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, FSA, and HSA.
How long must a driver be employed before benefits kick in?
Benefits are effective the beginning of the month after 60 days.
Does the company offer a driver referral bonus program?
Yes. If you refer a driver you will earn .01 cent for every mile they run as long as you both are with the company. Typically that will be $100-$120 a month per driver referred. There is not a cap.