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New York

Buyers Guide: Folding Bikes that Fit in Truck Cabs


Bike Buyers Guide for Truck Drivers
Find a great folding bike for your truck

We asked our Facebook group of 50,000 truck drivers recently if they traveled with a bike to help them keep their weight gain manageable. The majority spoke up and said that they just liked to walk, but more than we anticipated actually traveled with a bike.

Our trucker group members said they loved to just cruise the big parking lots at truck stops, or just head down highway access roads on off hours to burn off some steam and get a bit of fresh air in their lungs after a long day or night in the cab.

More articles about truck driver health at CDL Life

And it’s no joke either. The trucking industry is under fire from chronic health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension and heart disease. Every extra mile done by pedal rather than diesel helps truck drivers stay healthier and studies also say “happier.” As we noticed last week, attitude can be everything when it comes to battling disease and depression, and biking is one of the best ways possible to do it.

So let’s have a look. Some are bargains, but some we feature are a bit more intricate and should be considered investments.

Folding Bike Accessories
Biking Accessories

This Week in Trucking
