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Man Tries To Kill Spider, Rolls Truck


Man Tries To Kill Spider, Rolls TruckOn Sunday morning in south central Kansas, 23-year-old Trevor Chaparro was driving his truck while trying to kill a spider with a cup. While reaching for the spider, Chaparro lost control of his vehicle and rolled, causing him to be trapped inside.

Rescue personnel arrived on the scene and freed Chaparro, who was treated for minor injuries without going to the hospital.

Chaparro said he saw the spider crawling near his driver side door and tried to kill it, but when he looked up, he saw that he was driving toward the center columns of a bridge. He turned the wheel to avoid hitting the columns head on, but hit the edge of the bridge, which forced the vehicle to roll.

Chaparro received a citation for no proof of insurance, no valid license plate and inattentive driving. It is unknown whether or not Chaparro was able to kill the spider.


This Week in Trucking
