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New York

Delivery Driver Shoots, Kills Man Attempting to Steal His Pickup and Trailer


According to Kens5, a delivery driver from Wisconsin shot a man who was allegedly attempting to steal his pickup.

The incident occurred on Thursday night in San Antonio at the intersection of  Babcock and Fredericksburg roads.

The driver, Joshua McCann, who was in San Antonio to pick up a motorcycle for a client, pulled into a shopping center and was stopped by a man claiming to be a police officer.

The man allegedly demanded that McCann get out of his pickup

When McCann got out of the truck,  he demanded to see the man’s badge.

The man allegedly told McCann that he was going to steal the pickup.

Fearing for his own safety, McCann pulled out a pistol and shot the man in the abdomen.

Police gathered statements from employees at the cycle shop and witnesses.

“There’s some witnesses that saw the person who was shot here earlier asking for money. Then once this person drove up in the truck and stopped, he approached him. Told him to get out of the truck and identified himself as a police officer and the confrontation went from there,” Sergeant Ethan Humble of SAPD told News 4 San Antonio.

The suspect was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Source: Kens5

News 4 San Antonio

This Week in Trucking
