1 C
New York

VIDEO: Truck Cut Off Twice By Same Driver


According to LiveLeak user Nosactivated, this was in a construction zone on I-90 east in Pennsylvania.

Video’s original description:

Today I was driving on I-90 East in PA through a construction zone, when all of a sudden, this idiot decides to pull a great move not once but… twice! Yet us truck drivers get all the blame. Yes, there are good and bad in a driver. I was in the left lane because of the construction and there was a state sign saying all trucks must use left lane. Not to mention a state sign that says Stay in Lane. After coming out of the construction zone, other vehicles prevented me from getting back over to the right. The speed limit also went from 55 to 65mph. I really have no problem with what he did except for him taking away my safe space and no way out in the event of a problem. I’d rather not have to live with killing someone from an unpredictable problem in the event something happens and I have no where to go but over the top of this guy. This guy is a hauler for hire. 

I’m sure I will get all kinds of comments saying I’m the idiot and all that, but that’s fine. Just remember the laws of physics here. 80,000 lbs VS 12,000lbs who is going to win.

If you’re having trouble viewing this video, follow this link to the original. 


Video Credit: Nosactivated

This Week in Trucking
