1.2 C
New York

Convoys: Do you Participate?


By: Heidi O.

Every June in Marshfield, WI, there is a convoy being held for the Make-A-Wish foundation. Have you ever participated, or want to?

The event is open to the public so Load up your car, truck, station wagon, RV or ride your motorcycle. The more the merrier. – Everyone is welcome!

Come on out and help Make Their Hearts Smile at the 18th annual Make-a-Wish Truck Convoy the second Saturday in June. June 13, 2015.

Follow the Marshfield Make-A-Wish foundation page on Facebook:

1 month until the 18th Annual Make Their Hearts Smile Make-A-Wish Truck Convoy. Please continue to get your donations….

Posted by Maw Truck Convoy on Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Do you know of any other convoys going on in your area? Send the information to [email protected] with the subject line: Convoy, and we will pass on the details, so we can make the trucking world aware if what convoys are out there!

– Looking forward to seeing you at any of these events and meeting many new friends!


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