0.5 C
New York

Battery Thief Puts The Brakes On 22 Truck Fleet


A thief was able to halt a twenty-two truck Indianapolis-based fleet by stealing all twenty-two of their batteries during a nighttime heist.

Employees at Harbor Bridge Intermodal noticed something was amiss when they arrived at work on Monday only to find that none of their trucks would start.

After checking the surveillance footage, the reason that the trucks wouldn’t start became clear. Cameras captured a man getting out of a sedan in the truck lot and then casually moving from truck to truck, removing the battery from each. When he was finished, all 22 batteries were packed up in the sedan and the man drove away.

The theft was a big blow to Harbor Bridge, costing the small company $1600 to replace the batteries. The theft also put the company’s truck drivers behind schedule. The owner of Harbor Bridge said that he planned to sleep on the premises to prevent further theft.

If you know anything about the theft, you’re encouraged to call (317) 262-8477.


This Week in Trucking
