Most truckers change jobs quite a bit — which means that most drivers end up working with their fair share of dispatchers.
Dispatchers come in all shapes, sizes, and varieties, but we bet that you’ve met at least a couple of the types of dispatchers on this list.
1. The Whiz Kid. He’s fresh out of college and half your age but he thinks that he know all that there is to know about trucking.
2. The Best Friend. This guy doesn’t just want to be your dispatcher — he wants to be your very best friend. He calls just to say hello and always wants to hang out in your free time. Doesn’t seem to realize that you’re a trucker, so you don’t actually have free time.
3. The Mom. She’s got an answer for every problem and a purse full of tissues, cold medicine, and anything else a driver could ever need. Treat her right — the Mom type will defend you like a momma bear in the office if need be!
4. The Vanisher. Never at his desk. Never answers his phone. Actually, do you even remember what he looks like?
5. The Pinocchio. This type of dispatcher usually has a way with words, but those words often turn out to be extremely misleading and they wind up getting you into trouble.
6. The Guy Who Dresses Up Way More Than Anyone Else. Most trucking companies are pretty laid back dress code-wise, but this dispatcher for some reason shows up to work as if he’s going to a fashion show the moment he clocks out.
7. The Really Old One. He was around for the good old days of trucking. He was around BEFORE the good old days too. He’s a little (okay, a lot) out of touch sometimes, but he’s got a whole lot of good stories.