The Nebraska State Patrol continues their crackdown on truck drivers, conducting their third surprise commercial vehicle inspection campaign in three days.
Last week, members of NSP’s Metropolitan Aggressive and Prevention Selective (MAPS) Teams conducted surprise truck inspections in Lincoln on Tuesday, Omaha on Wednesday, and then in Sarpy County on Thursday. Once again, NSP says that the surprise inspections were designed to target truckers who avoid weigh stations.
During the Sarpy County truck inspection blitz, MAPS team members inspected 94 trucks. Of those, 38 were placed out of service for safety regulation violations. Additionally, MAPS officers placed five truck drivers out of service for driving without a CDL, driving with a suspended CDL, and an alcohol violation in a commercial vehicle.
MAPS inspectors uncovered 336 violations in the trucks that they inspected and handed down $6280 in fines.
During the three day surprise inspection campaign, MAPS inspected 261 trucks and placed 126 trucks and truck drivers out of service. Officers issued a total of $17,580 in fines.
This marks the third MAPS inspection campaign of 2017. NSP warns that more surprise truck inspections are planned throughout the state from now until the fall.