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New York

Speed enforcement cameras go live in Pennsylvania on Monday


Starting next week, drivers who speed in Pennsylvania work zones can be ticketed by camera.

On Monday, March 9, the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement will go live in active road work zones statewide, according to a news release from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

The speed enforcement device will work by taking photos of the license plates of speeding vehicles. Any driver traveling 11 m.p.h. or more will receive a warning in the mail on their first offense. On the second speeding offense, a driver could face a fine of $75. Third and subsequent offenses could result in a $150 citation. The citations are civil penalties only and will not result in points on a drivers license.

Drivers will be notified by signs when they are entering a camera speed enforcement zone.

The enforcement zones are listed below:

  • I- 78 between mile markers 35 and 43, Berks County
  • I-476 between mileposts 31 and 38, Montgomery County
  • I-83 mileposts 3-4, York County
  • U.S. Route 1, Bucks County
  • I-276, Bucks County
  • U.S. Route 1, Wayne Avenue Viaduct, Philadelphia
  • Route 885, Allegheny County

Revenue generated by the speeding citation will be divided between state police, the Motor License Fund, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.

Pennsylvania transportation officials pushed for the automated speed enforcement technology following the deaths of two workers who were struck by vehicles while performing road work in 2018.

“While there can be fines assessed, the AWZSE program’s goal is not to generate revenue,” explained PA Turnpike CEO Mark Compton. “The goal is to build awareness and most importantly, to change unsafe driving behaviors. The program serves as a roadway reminder that safety is literally in each driver’s hands when they are behind the wheel.”

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