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Search results: covid

8 unexpected ways that Coronavirus could change trucking

As the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis rapidly changes the way Americans live, it is also having a profound impact on the trucking industry -- and more changes are likely to come.

Trump thanks truckers for coming to the rescue during Coronavirus crisis

The President of the United States took to Twitter to thank America's truckers for their hard work in delivering goods and keeping the nation's economy running during the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis.

Indiana opens up weigh stations to truck parking amid Coronavirus crisis

Authorities in Indiana have opted to allow trucks to park at most of the state's weigh stations to aid truckers during the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak.

It’s hard for truckers to get a meal right now. These people are helping.

Coronavirus has shut down dine-in restaurants across the country, but the unexpected bright side is that so many people outside of the trucking industry are coming forward to help make sure that truckers get fed. The Coronavirus...

PennDOT relents to truckers, agrees to (partially) reopen 13 rest stops

After furious backlash from the trucking community for closing all state rest stops for the COVID-19 crisis, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has agreed to reopen more than a dozen locations tomorrow.

Nebraska rest areas may be closed due to toilet paper theft

The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) says that the restroom facilities at some I-80 rest areas may be periodically closed due to the lack of availability of toilet paper, but they are committed to staying open to provide truck parking.

FMCSA to truck stops: ‘Remain open 24 hours’

In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has demanded that truck stops stay open to serve the men and women of the trucking industry who are keeping the nation...

Without trucks, America stops — especially during a pandemic

Thanks to the Coronavirus, many Americans who never bothered to think about the trucking industry are now getting a first hand lesson in truck driver appreciation.

19 states shut down all dine-in restaurants, leaving truckers with fewer food options

During the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis, multiple states are closing or restricting restaurants and bars, meaning that truckers delivering the essential supplies that Americans need could go hungry themselves.

Pennsylvania Rest Areas and Welcome Centers Closed

Yesterday afternoon, PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike announced that rest areas and welcome centers are being shut down. "All PennDOT rest areas and welcome centers statewide will be closed to the public effective 12:01 AM...

Coronavirus is spreading. Here’s how truck stops are responding.

As COVID-19 cases spread throughout the U.S., the nation's truck stops are responding with major policy changes.

FMCSA suspends HOS in all 50 states for Coronavirus outbreak relief haulers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a nationwide Hours of Service (HOS) relief declaration for motor carriers hauling relief supplies for Coronavirus/COVID-19.

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