Mack Trucks unveiled the custom-decorated MACK® Pinnacle™ model that will transport the 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree from Meeker, Colo. to the Capitol lawn during a recent celebration with former U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell at the Mack Customer Center in Allentown.
The 2012 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree
The 2012 tree will be harvested on the Blanco Ranger District of the White River National Forest, near Meeker, Colorado. Blanco Ranger District staff chose and recommended several tree candidates and in early August, the Superintendent of the Capitol Grounds made the final selection of the official 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree.
The tree will be harvested November 2nd, transported to the town of Meeker for a kick off celebration, and then wrapped for its journey. It will spend several weeks on the road visiting communities and military bases across the country before at the Capitol shortly after Thanksgiving.
The Capitol Christmas Tree will travel with ‘companion’ trees and more than 5,000 handmade ornaments. Coloradoans were invited to create ornaments depicting this year’s theme ‘Celebrating Our Great Outdoors.’ Youth age 5-19 who submit ornaments could be entered to win a trip to Washington, D.C. to light the tree with House Speaker John Boehner at a ceremony in early December. After the lighting ceremony, the Capitol Christmas Tree will be lit nightly from dusk to 11:00 pm throughout the holiday season.